Jubba Bird (1)Full unit name: Jubba Bird (Creature)
Last updated: 23.08.2022 19:23:48
Basic info
First appearance: Star Wars Adventure Journal 1
Native to: Dagobah
The Jubba bird was a Force-sensitive reptavian native to Dagobah. Jubba birds built their nests out of sticks and plants, using mud scooped from the swamps of Dagobah to hold the nest together. This made the nests heavy, often causing them to droop downwards into the swamps, where predators were waiting to gobble up the eggs. Jubba were deceptively intelligent birds, though domesticated jubba often played dumb to avoid harassment from ignorant owners. Birds sold to appreciative owners sometimes allowed their innate intelligence to show, and became loyal companions. Many jubba birds were captured and sold by vendors as pets prized for their mesmerizing song. This song was a highly soothing whistle that it manipulated through the Force.


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Full unit name: Jubba Bird (Creature) Last updated: 23.08.2022 19:23:48